New Silver from 25 to 50 Hp

25  30  40  50 Hp

The table that follows summarises the periodic and preventative maintenance jobs required to keep the compressor in an efficient operational state in time.

A brief description of the running hours after which the type of maintenance job is required.

Before performing any jobs within the sound-proof cabinet, ensure that:

  • - The main line switch is turned off (position “0”)
  • - The compressor is disconnected from the compressed air system
  • All the pressure has been released from the compressor and internal pneumatic circuit.
Interval (hours) Maintenance opertation  
Weekly Check if the electric cabinet filters and the ani.dust pre-filters are clogged  
500 hours after 1st start Change oil  
Replace the oil filter cartridge  
Check the electrical connections and tighten if necessary  
Every 2000 hours or once a year Change oil  
Replace the oil filter cartridge  
Replace the filter cartridge of the oil separator  
Replace the air filter cartridge  
Check the transmission  
Clean the air/oil radiator..  
Check filters in electrical cabinet and replace if necessary  
Clean inverter dissipator (if equipped)  
Check the safety valve  
Check the electrical connections and tighten if necessary  
Change oil  
Drain condensate  
Every 7500 hours Check the hydraulic seals  
Overhaul the suction valve .  
Every 12500 hours Check the hoses and replace if necessary  
Overhaul oil separator flange  
Grease the minimum pressure valve  
Replace Fluorflon pipes 6x4 and 10x10  
Replace the screw oil seal .  
Replace the bearings of the radiator fan motor (to be done by Technical Service)  
Replace the delivery OR flange  
Clean the compressor  
Evrry 20000 hours Replace inverter fan (if equipped).  
Replace the bearings of the screw (to be done by Technical Service)  

Note! If the compressor is used for more than 3000 hours/year the jobs indicated herewith are to be performed more often.

The above described maintenance schedule has been planned bearing in mind all the installation parameters and recommended use of the Manufacturer.
The Manufacturer advises the customer to keep a record of all maintenance jobs performed on the compressor.